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Reservoirs supplying several Benoni suburbs at ‘critical level’

Water restrictions have not been implemented in Ekurhuleni yet, but may soon become a reality as temperatures climb and reservoirs deplete.

In a press statement released by Ekurhuleni Metropolitan Municipality (EMM) this afternoon, the council urged the public to use water sparingly.

Due to low levels in water reservoirs, much of Germiston has been left with dry taps this afternoon, November 10.

“The council is however, providing water tankers at these locations,” said EMM spokesperson, Themba Gadebe.

Furthermore, the levels in the reservoirs supplying water to several other areas in Ekurhuleni are at a critical level and there may be low water pressure.

The following Benoni suburbs are also affected:

  •  Daveyton
  •  Etwatwa
  • Crystal Park
  •  Morehill
  •  Ebotse
  •  Rynfield

Gadebe said while these areas still had water, a burst pipe has left parts of Etwatwa without water and added that technicians are attending to it.

The press release called for residents across Ekurhuleni to follow these measures:

  •  No filling of swimming pools
  •  No gardening and irrigation at all unless grey water is used
  •  No water washing of pavements and cars
  •  Reduce showering time and capture in buckets the cold water that initially comes from the showers
  •  Repair leaking cisterns

“If the situation in all of the areas above deteriorates further, the EMM will implement water shedding measures and shut off supply from 10pm to 3am,” said Gadebe.

“Water and Sanitation Officials at the EMM are continuously monitoring the levels at reservoirs throughout the city and will implement water shedding measures as required.”

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