
So cross I could scream

Natasha writes by email:

I would like to bring the following to your attention. I am so upset and cross I can scream.

The road works on Pretoria Road, Rynfield, are becoming a big problem for me and my co-workers when it comes getting to our workplace. Recently, on a Thursday, they closed the bottom of the road where we normally go out.

The tractor driver almost crashed into me, and told me that I must go the other way.

When I asked for assistance from the other workers (who just stood around and did not do anything) to move the yellow booms, they said they would not move them and that I must move and go the other way.

There were about four or five cars that could not move at all.

Nowhere were signs or information that the bottom end of the road would be closed at the old age home.

You basically need a 4×4 to get to your workplace or home.

They did inform us that they would be done by the end of August — I mean, really, we are now in the first week of September and they are far from finished on this side.

Workers are not working, they are standing around and talking and not doing their work to get finished.

They are so rude and nobody wants to assist or help the community.

I want answers: if my car will be damaged due to these road works I need to know where I can claim for repairs.

Today my car is full of cement and I don’t know how I am going to get it off.

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