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It’s passion and fashion at the polo

It’s elegant, classy, sexy, refined and a bit on the dangerous side.

It’s the equestrian sport of polo and its competitors are certainly not horsing around.

Ekurhuleni is in for a spectacle of polo perfection and performance this weekend, when the East Rand Polo Club, in Bapsfontein, hosts the Men’s South African Championship from Friday, August 21, to Sunday, August 23.

This will coincide with the much-anticipated Ladies Polo International between the top women polo players from South Africa and England, on Sunday.

The City Times caught up with Benoni resident and team manager of the South African women’s polo team Deirdre van Reenen, to discuss the upcoming weekend of polo and the subsequent international women’s test match.

“Polo has picked up again and there is a lot of growth and interest at the moment,” van Reenen said.

“The development of places like Waterfall Equestrian Estate has definitely helped with the growth of the sport.

“We are also doing a lot of developmental work, where we try to get young players and disadvantaged players into the sport, which is difficult because it is an extremely expensive sport.”

Van Reenen has been involved in the sport for 21 years and her sons, Dirk (19) and Johan (16), are also talented polo players.

Benonian and South African polo player Dirk van Reenen, with his mother and manager of the South African women’s polo team, Deirdre.
Benonian and South African polo player Dirk van Reenen, with his mother and manager of the South African women’s polo team, Deirdre.

She described her role as manager of the women’s team as a “serious honour and a great privilege.”

“The girls are so well organised and basically just manage themselves.

“They are definitely the easiest team I have managed.”

Asked about the challenge the English Roses will bring, van Reenen said: “Look, the English players are tough.

“Those girls grew up on farms (or pastures as they call it) and don’t take nonsense.

“There’s one player in particular, Hazel Jackson, who is physical and phenomenal.

“It’s going to be hard, but our girls will go all out to do their country proud.”

Entrance to the championship and subsequent test match is free and van Reenen encouraged spectators to bring along their blankets, picnic baskets and family and get in on the polo fun.

“The girls must wear something glamorous, yet comfortable (no stilettos), while the guys should also dress smartly.

“It’s like a Durban July, without the stilettos,” she said.

For more information and fashion ideas about the championships, like the “Ladies Polo International South Africa” page on Facebook.

Learn more about the South African women’s polo team:

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