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Mido Macia could have survived

The nine Daveyton policemen accused of murdering Mido Macia pleaded not guilty, in the North Gauteng High Court, last week.

Macia died in a holding cell at the Daveyton Police Station on February 26, 2013, after he had been dragged through the streets by a police van.

The court heard, on July 28, that Macia’s handcuffs had caught onto the van by accident as he was trying to exit the vehicle, but this was disputed by Lindiwe Ngwenya (state witness), who said Macia was never taken aboard the van.

Later in the week, WO Mphumzi Ngamlana (cell commander at the police station at the time of the incident), testified that Macia was bleeding when he entered the police station.

Ngamlana said he had asked his relief commander to call emergency services, but none arrived until hours later.

Dr Solly Skosana (the state’s chief pathologist in Gauteng) said if Macia had received medical intervention immediately after arriving at the police station, it would definitely have made a difference.

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