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Rotarians give back to Lingalethu Home

Lending a helping hand to the less fortunate is a tradition that is close to the hearts of Rotarians.

The Benoni Van Ryn Rotarians spent their Saturday (July 18) at the Lingalethu Home for the Elderly and Disabled.

Zelda Maseko, a former nursing sister at Life The Glynnwood and director of Lingalethu Home, began taking care of people in 2010 and the home currently caters for 48 patients.

Zelda said that, during her time as a nurse at Life the Glynnwood, she noticed that there were few facilities available for people living only on their grants, without the support of their families.

At Lingalethu, with a team of loving nurses, the patients are taken care of in the best way possible.

Non-perishable foods, adult diapers, clothing and toiletries are some of the essentials the home needs.

Sponsors and donors can contact Zelda 078 784 5005 or Cynthia on 072 388 0052.

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