
Give me sushi all day long

They say ignorance is bliss, which couldn't be less true in this case.

Never before had I been seated at a sushi bar and now that I’ve had a taste of its wonder, I can’t believe what I’ve been missing.

My parents and I visited Macau Cuisine, an east Asian restaurant situated at the Oakfields Shopping Centre.

As we came in, we were warmly greeted by the energetic hostess, Julia Feng.

Julia, who is one of the managers, quickly showed us to our seats and served us with a friendliness few restaurants can match.

We almost immediately started on the colourful plates moving along the conveyor in front of us.

The rice was perfectly soft, the vegetables scrumptiously fresh and the talented chefs, Ian Wei Feng and Xiang Feng, weren’t stingy with the salmon or tuna.

If you’ve never had the pleasure of this unique experience, try it as soon as you can.

There’s something different about sitting at a sushi bar.

First of all, there’s no wait.

Chances are, someone will be sitting there before you arrive, which means the sushi production line will already be going.

In other words, within a few minutes or even seconds of sitting down, you can already be gulping down portions of this traditional Asian cuisine.

Of course, one is quickly filled up by this, as there are constant opportunities to grab fresh “meat” off the moving tray.

On top of good service and food, the restaurant has a great deal going on; at only R129, you can have a full sushi buffet, which includes eating as much as you can.

If you’re not feeling so adventurous, try specifying which colour plates you want, as the “mini-platters” are colour coded, each with a different sized portion and different kind of sushi.

The coloured plates include red, orange, blue, green and black, although the black plates aren’t included in the sushi buffet, but can be ordered separately at R36,50.

In addition to enjoying the sit-down experience of the sushi bar, most of the meals at the restaurant can also be bought as takeaways.

For drinks, my father opted for Chinese rice beer, which he said rivals many South African brands, while my mother and I enjoyed a Chinese Iced Tea.

Much of the warm feel of the restaurant comes from its beautiful Chinese décor, which is amplified by the quality of service.

The restaurant opened seven years ago and the sushi bar has existed only for the past year-and-a-half, but it has contributed more than its expected share.

Macau Cuisine owner Thomas Fang can be proud of a restaurant that brings together great food and a warm atmosphere, at reasonable prices. EvD

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