
Help SAPS combat crime

The Benoni SAPS has issued a warning to the community to be cognisant of housebreakings in the area.

Spokesperson for the Benoni SAPS, Lieut Nomsa Sekele, said there has been an increase in the number of reported housebreaking incidents.

Police are advising community to always be alert and check that no suspicious-looking persons watch their movements as they leave their homes.

She urged home owners to profile their domestic workers and gardeners.

“Due to a high number of burglaries taking place, we encourage the community to have good relationships with their neighbours,” said Sekele.

“The community should play a part in helping the police to fight crime.

“If you see any suspicious-looking people or vehicles moving around, contact the police.”

Meanwhile, Actonville SAPS spokesperson WO Ramothakhi Maqbe said they are urging the community of Wattville to be alert to criminals who are stealing copper taps in the area.

“We are appealing to the community to come forward and report such criminal activities,” he added.

Also read: Educate yourself on housebreakings

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