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Tobie arrives at her new home

Tania Forrest-Smith was a ball of excitement on the eve of Tobie's return from the veterinarian.

Tobie, the four-year-old cross-Jack Russell which captured the hearts of hundreds of people after being beaten in Daveyton, officially arrived at her new Northmead home on Saturday.

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She was beaten with a golf club on March 2, allegedly by her owner’s neighbour.

Peter Mnguni relinquished his dog for fear that she will be beaten again.

She suffered severe injuries and had to have her right eye ball removed.

Tobie’s new owner said she could not sleep on Friday night because she was so excited for the canine to be welcomed home, after spending over 12 days at the Northmead Veterinarian Clinic.

“I couldn’t sleep last night because Lucky (an employee at the Northmead Veterinarian Clinic) and I were Facebook messaging each other until 12.30am,” said Tania.

“He (Lucky) said he needed to go to sleep.

“He said the faster I go to sleep, the faster I will see her.”

Tania said Tobie arrived at her home at 10.10am, on Saturday morning.

A couple of hours later, Tobie had been for a walk and already looked at ease in her new enclosure, which was built by Tania’s husband, Mark.

He had to take a day off work to complete the project.

The enclosure adjoins the jacuzzi room and will act as a temporary measure to segregate Tobie from the other five dogs on the property, until she acclimatises.

Mark said he has also fallen in love with Tobie, and described his wife as a true animal lover.

“She has always been like that, ever since I have known her,” said Mark.

“When I grew up dogs lived outside.

“Since I met Tania, my life changed.”

Police have not arrested anyone in connection with Tobie’s beating.

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