Oh Sugar, Sugar

If you’re thinking of reducing or cutting sugar from your diet, here are some quick and easy ways you can start.

We know sugar is bad for our overall health and wellness … it causes bloating, cravings, increased appetite, dental decay, moodiness, low and unstable energy levels, stubborn belly fat and difficult weight loss, not to mention contributing to obesity, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

The scary thing is that there are hidden sugars in so many of the foods we buy everyday that it’s no wonder most of us are eating double the daily amount of sugar as recommended by the World Health Organisation.

According to medicalnewstoday.com, it’s far better to reduce your sugar intake gradually than going cold turkey.

First eliminate the most obvious sources of sugar in your diet such as cakes, muffins and biscuits. Wean off it slowly and you won’t get the major withdrawal symptoms.

Remember sugars are hidden under many different names on supermarket food products. As a rule of thumb, any word in an ingredients list that ends with “ose” is more than likely a sugar.

Consult your doctor first if you have any health issues that could be affected.

Are you addicted to sugar?

Smart Sugar Switches

Easy swaps you can make

* Source: medicalnewstoday.com and @foodsmix

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