Editor's choice

Support your child’s dreams

Remember to support your children by accepting the concept of non-gender specific jobs.

Encouraging your children with their career choice is a great way to tell them you believe in them from an early age.

While parents may see the potential, or hear their children express their life’s desire, some will try to shut it down as it does not fall in line with the parents’ expectations.

But encouraging your child to excel in what they are good at helps them to achieve a positive attitude and self-esteem.

If your child is constantly talking about becoming an animal doctor (it’s hard to say veterinarian when you’re small), why not do something to help them? Call a friendly vet in your region and explain how your child is simply enthralled with becoming a vet.

Would they have a bit of time when you could bring in your child? Perhaps the vet can show them around and explain a little bit about their job. Your child will appreciate how you listen to what really makes them happy.

Everyone has a place in the world and everyone deserves a shot at doing something that makes them happy. Don’t limit their choices by pushing a certain job on them.

Remember to support your children by accepting the concept of non-gender specific jobs.

Do what you can to support your child without pushing them. Support their choices. Sure, you might not think your child will really be able to be a doctor if they can’t stand the sight of blood, but they will appreciate your support.

Someday, they may get over their fear of blood or decide it really isn’t for them. Either way, the fact that you supported them and didn’t mock them, will mean the world.

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