Local sportSport

Gymnasts do well

Edenvale based gymnasts took part in the East Gauteng Regional Championship and North Zone trampoline competitions

Acrobats and trampolinists of the Edenvale based Gym Masters Gymnasts and Masters Gymnasts Clubs recently competed in the East Gauteng Regional Championship and North Zone trampoline competitions respectively.

Also read: Competition season begins for local trampoline gymnasts

The acrobats took part in the East Gauteng Regional Championship on August 26, with 13 groups representing the clubs and majority placing on the podium and often winning their categories.

This is a qualifying event for the Gauteng Championship and the annual SA Gymnastics Games.

Also read: Edenvale acrobats and trampolinists excel

Two young trampolinists took part in the North Zone event on August 19.

They competed against other trampolinists from Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga and North West provinces.

The two girls received a gold and silver awards for their respective categories.

The gymnasts practice at the Highway Gardens Community Centre and are coached by the Demianenko family and assisted by Michelle Sharples and Kimona Moodley.

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