
Junior Panthers open day is a roaring success

The squad, which will be known as the Panther Pom-Pom Girls, will cheer the teams on and bring spirit to the games

Kicking off the year with enthusiasm, Edenvale Panthers Junior Rugby Club hosted its open day at the end of February.

Welcoming all with a passion for the sport, this was the Panther’s junior division’s third consecutive open day.

It was held at the club’s home grounds at Edenvale Sports Ground.

Described as a successful day, the chairperson of the Edenvale Panthers Junior Rugby Club Andrew Walker, said the day went incredibly well.

Described as being a successful day chairperson of the Edenvale Panthers Junior Rugby Club Andrew Walker said the open day went incredibly well. Seen here is a club member practicing a tackle maneuver.

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“Historically, as a club, we always had open days in April, but this year we hosted one at the end of February,” said Walker.

“The pre-season training started in the first week of February.”

Walker said the season will start in July

Speaking about the club’s progress, Walker said the junior club has gained more female members since it was established several years ago.

He said the club’s goal for this year is to grow women in rugby and have a girls’ touch rugby side.

Walker encouraged girls interested in the sport to join the club and help it grow.

ALSO READ: Junior Panthers set to meet the community

He said another initiative the Panthers wanted to grow is a cheerleading squad for the club.

Walker explained the club is looking for spirited, enthusiastic women to cheer on Edenvale’s Panthers at rugby games.

Edenvale Panthers Junior Rugby Club hosted its open day at the end of February.

The squad, which will be known as the Panther Pom-Pom Girls, will cheer the teams on and bring spirit to the games

He said the squad needs six women.

In the build-up to the start of the season, Walker said they planned several club fundraisers, open days and rugby clinics.

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Speaking about the club’s progress, Andrew Walker said the junior club has gained more female members since it was established several years ago.

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