Couch Chat with Charms

Many times comments are made in anger and without much thought.


At the recent Edenvale Community Police Forum (ECPF) meeting, it was revealed that comments were allegedly made on live radio stating that the Edenvale SAPS was useless.

In delivering his reply to the comments made, the Edenvale SAPS station commander Colonel Eddie Trollip, declined to mention who made the comments.

By doing this, Col Trollip granted the person who claimed the SAPS to be useless, more dignity than was granted to our men and women in blue when the statements were allegedly made.

The comments were clearly made without much thought for the consequences, or for those who work hard to keep our community safe.

Those very comments, whether true or not, threaten the morale that inspires our police officers to get up every morning and put their lives on the line for us.

While it is pretty well known that there are a few bad apples within the structures of the Edenvale SAPS, is it really necessary to paint every officer with the same brush?

Yes, some situations are frustrating but without much thought; comments such as these tell thousands of people that every single police officer at the Edenvale SAPS is useless.

How is that fair?

While we are on assumptions, is every single metro police officer corrupt and every single motorist guilty of paying a bribe? Is every single Edenvale school child on drugs?

And is every single municipal employee lazy?

Should we really be labelling others publically?

These sort of comments are not only made to radio stations or in interviews with the newsroom, they are also made every single day on social media.

How often have you come across a post telling others to never visit a particular restaurant?

Have you ever noticed how one person’s bad experience leads to a campaign which can end someone’s livelihood?

Many times, comments are made in anger and without much thought.

How about making a call to commend the officers who were shot at in the CBD?

What about the municipal worker who left work at 9pm after making sure that all the refuse collection for that day had been completed, although it was late?

When was the last time you thought about how much is done every day to make this community what it is?

While there are failures in every system, maybe it is time to recognise the hard work that actually makes the wheels of our society turn.


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