Step into your greatness

"Don't always give yourself a permission to live a small life."

With a clear understanding of what purpose is, now the next thing is to ask yourself a question: Am I clear about my current position and condition in relation to where I want to be?

This is what is called awareness. Most people miss this critical element of life called awareness.

Awareness is what gets you to move from where you are and also helps you to determine the rate or speed at which you have to move. You may be in a wrong career, job, relationship that makes you complain everyday, but until you are aware that you are depriving yourself of what you deserve, you will never move but justify the situation that kills you.

Also Read: Life’s regrets

Remember that if you don’t move forward, life will move on without you. People give a thousand reasons why they can’t move forward, whereas all they need is only one reason why they have to move.

How can I improve my life? What is this relationship doing to me? Am I growing mentally, spiritually, physically and socially, and what about financially? What am I benefiting from this job or career?

If you ask yourself these questions every day, the detoxification process will take place as you get rid of those toxic elements in your life that hold you back and drain your energy, and please be aware that you will be very unpopular during this process, but it’s the right thing to do.

Also Read: How to achieve your goals and be happy

So, what questions are you asking yourself today? Are they empowering or limiting yourself? Do you know that your life today is as a result of them? If you change the quality of your questions, the quality of your life will change.

Refuse to be denied and claim what you deserve! You are born to win!

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