
From the Editor’s Pen – Decide who should speak for you

Deciding who should speak for you is a great responsibility

As we take to the voting stations today, one thing is apparent – our needs are extremely different and our concerns real.

We all know the important role of the ward councillor in serving as public representative and the great responsibility that comes with it.

Ward councillors are faced with wards that have vastly different communities, demographics and needs where one ward can have a large industrial area while that same councillor has to serve the needs of residential areas in the same ward.

It is indeed a mammoth task.

However, the responsibility on you, the voter, is just as great.

Far too often we still hear people say – “I am not going to vote as my vote will not mean anything.”

If there was one campaign, in the run-up to this local government election, that I supported it was the IEC’s campaign calling on all South Africans to take their opportunity to vote.

This election today, is far closer to home as we decide who will represent us in matters pertaining to our daily lives.

And as representing us is such a great task, go out and make your mark next to the name you wish to tackle this mammoth task on your behalf.

This election, like any other election, and the right to vote should never be taken for granted.

Apart from our history as a country which lead to us all being able to vote today, the decision as to who should speak for us is just as great.

By the time you read this, you would have either voted or you are on your way to vote. And if you were one to say, “I am not voting”, then grant me this one last thought – do you wish to take away your choice as to who should speak for you. I know I wouldn’t.

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