Are flyers still a relevant marketing tool?

Some suppliers might turn you down due to human resource, time and geographical challenges involved with face-to-face distribution.

Opinion by Henry Sebele, JIA Concepts

We have all had the irritation of flyers pushed into our faces or through our car windows. We have even taken them out of our gates or mail boxes.

Despite these frustrations, the advantages of distributing flyers or pamphlets cannot be dismissed.

They are a more affordable way of advertising services and products, whilst their production and distribution can happen within a day of two.

Leaflets continue to be a high impact form of advertising and can be delivered directly to your target market.

Research shows that 48 percent of consumers actually visited the shop advertised, requested extra information, or bought a product after receiving a leaflet through their door.

62 percent of people do not take notice of TV advertisements and either mute or change the channel in order to avoid watching an advert.

81 percent of people flick past press and magazine adverts, while 71 percent of consumers believe that free samples, coupons and offers are useful for finding a service to suit their needs.

With leaflet distribution, the opportunity is created for face-to-face interaction between the marketer and the consumer.

One of the biggest challenges of flyer distribution is to get it into the hands of relevant individuals. Unfortunately not all marketers know that flyers can be delivered personally to a specific individual. The key is to find a distributor that is willing to walk the extra mile.

Some suppliers might turn you down due to human resource, time and geographical challenges involved with face-to-face distribution.

Others make it clear they do not hand deliver to the specific target groups you have identified.

Most distributors may never offer you a customised solution.

An experience distributor will have the knowledge required in the industry to give you, his client, maximum exposure.

To him, no distribution job will ever be too big or too small and he will be able to give valuable feedback on the response of the target group as well as information on prospective clients.

Do not hesitate to ask your chosen distributor about his clients and work experience in the field. Clients can range from estate agents, developers, wholesalers, retailers, restaurants, political parties and exhibitors, to name a few.

Distributors and business owners need to partner throughout the distribution process.

Make the job for your chosen distributor easier by empowering him with an attractive and informative leaflet. Your flyer has to do all the talking.

It is not necessary to re-invent the wheel when designing your flyer.

Here are a few proven points that can assist you:

Getting back to our original question: Are flyers still a relevant marketing tool? The answer is a resounding: YES!

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