
What Sascha says

Why are we still making resolutions?

A new year’s resolution that never stays new.

Every year, just before we shout “happy new year”, we come up with resolutions that hardly even last a week.

After asking a few people what their new year’s resolutions were, and again guessed a few correctly – lose weight, healthier living, going green, stop drinking, stop smoking and the list goes on.

When I asked if their previous resolutions materialised, I wasn’t surprised by the amount of no’s. Why are we still making resolutions?

I realise new year’s resolutions are promises of determination that are repeated year in and year out.

How would I know right? Well I am guilty of making my own and never keeping to them.

For the past four years my most common ones were to eat healthier and exercise more often.

Which I obviously haven’t done.

A total waste of my own time – time I could have invested in something more meaningful.

If many of us are faced with the same struggle then imagine how many of us have actually done nothing differently for ourselves or others.

For this year I have decided to shift the focus from self improvement to random acts of kindness for those in need around me.

Don’t mistake my initiative for a resolution. It is more of a solution to prevent more failed resolutions.

However, the question on why we make resolutions is still unanswered.

So my guess would be, its either to join the new year buzz or doing it out of habit every year.

I have challenged myself to something different in the hope that someone else will follow my lead.

It doesn’t have to be exactly like mine but doing something for the greater good would have a utilitarianism effect – a good decision which maximizes better outcomes.

If I narrow it down even more and take a look at the Edenvale and Bedfordview communities, so much can be done.

I say this because a simple helping hand or giving heart could make the world’s difference to someone who really needs it. I’ve started with my resolution which is to collect a paper from the individuals who stand at the robots on a daily basis.

Yes they do annoy us at times but they’re making an honest living. They’re doing their jobs. I would like to think everyone would enjoy having an easy day of work.

What is the greater good in collecting their pamphlets you may wonder. Well, I will have made someone’s day easier and possibly stopped an individual from resorting to crime for an income, a bit extreme but its true.

One act of random kindness starts with you and I. So if you have already set yours and you think you can be a start of a difference then call it a ‘new’ new resolution for a new new initiative to make someone else’s new year.

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