
Real Talk with Duenna

We all know that this beautiful country of ours wouldn't be South Africa without a little bit of drama every now and then.

The past couple of weeks were nothing short of drama in the country.

I was heartbroken to witness the recent looting of foreign shops which spread to many townships in a short space of time.

The race debate on Twitter did not help mend my heart either.

How could I forget the sad debate on whether journalists should or should not wear political party regalia.

I wished, for a moment, to run away and hide until the dust has settled.

The powers that be in the police force are adamant that the looting has nothing to do with Xenophobia. The men in blue did not further explain as to why only spaza shops owned by foreign nationals were targeted.

Anyway, let me get to my point quickly before I start to bore you.

We hear this big talk about how Africa needs to fight African battles. How we, as African countries, need to stand up and ‘help’ Nigeria fight the Islamic extremist group, Boko Haram.

How do we do that when we still look for ways to discriminate against one another?

We are quick to play the race card when it suits us. I am not sure if I should be glad that South Africans, black and white, are discussing racism or be scared at the amount of intolerance shown by either race to the other. I guess only time will tell.

South Africa belongs to all who live in it, or does it still? I wonder.


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