Thornhill Manor residents enjoy market day

Thornhill Manor’s café manager Neil Ross and the residents who manned and ran the stalls were thanked for their assistance.

Background music filled the air as Thornhill Manor Retirement Village residents came in droves to support the recent winter warmer market, despite the icy weather.

There was lots of chatting, laughing and sharing as residents tucked into delicious meals, including butter chicken with rice, cottage pie and salad, massive and delicious crumpets with jam and cream, boerewors rolls and tea and coffee.

Vicky Keenan, Val Tyrteos, Bonny Gosher and Innocence Maluleke (carer), with Eunice Harris at the market.

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Thornhill Manor’s café manager Neil Ross and the residents who manned and ran the stalls were thanked for their assistance.

Spearheaded by Thornhill Manor resident Vicky Keenan, two stalls had banners and posters to raise Alzheimer’s awareness and funds for outings for residents battling Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Alzheimer’s, a degenerative brain disease, is the most common cause of dementia, accounting for 60% to 80% of cases.

Denise Liversage, Lorna Fell and Derek Liversage enjoying some tasty food.

It typically begins with memory loss and progresses to disorientation, confusion and difficulties speaking and swallowing.

ALSO READ: Friendships at Thornhill Manor formed over a cup of tea

It has specific pathological features and is primarily associated with ageing, but is not a normal part of ageing.

Some symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s may include difficulty following storylines or conversations, apathy and loss of interest in hobbies and activities, changes in mood and personality, withdrawal from social activities, decreased or poor judgement, misplacing things and losing the ability to retrace steps, problems with words in speaking or writing and confusion.

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