Thornhill Manor knits in the spirit of charity

1 357 squares were knitted and crocheted this equates to 28.5 blankets.

Thornhill Manor’s Knit and Natter group crocheted and knitted over 1 000 squares for Mandela Day.

“They began knitting and crocheting squares only a couple of months ago.

“The members are constantly doing charity work for the greater community,” said Thornhill Manor deputy manager Jackie Scott.

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The group consists of approximately 20 women.

Malcolm Burroughs, from 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day, collected the results of their hard work on July 19.

In total, 1 357 squares were knitted and crocheted this equates to 28.5 blankets.

“We are so proud of our ladies and their hearts of gold. Thank you to all who participated in supporting this worthwhile effort,” said Jackie.

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