Rand Aid residents celebrate Mandela Day

"We invited some of the residents and staff from our sister care centre, Thembalami, to join us for a morning of fun and delicious treats.”

Mandela Day encourages South Africans to make an impact on the lives of others.

On July 16, two Rand Aid care centres stepped up to the challenge.

“The recreation team and residents of Ron Smith Care Centre (RSCC) wanted to do something special and meaningful for Mandela Day this year.

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“We invited some of the residents and staff from our sister care centre, Thembalami, to join us for a morning of fun and delicious treats,” said Debbie Christen, RSCC’s manager of recreational programmes.

Making new friends. Seen here are Regina Ratshosana (Thembalami) and Carol Murphy (RSCC).

After being warmly welcomed, the residents from the two care centres participated in a lively pass-the-parcel type game.

The game provided residents with several opportunities to win chocolates.

Then those gathered tucked into cheese and asparagus quiche, sausage rolls, homemade carrot cupcakes, and oatmeal and raisin cookies, specially made for the occasion and served with a choice of tea, coffee or hot chocolate.

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“After tea, RSCC residents Ria Milburn and Carol Murphy presented gifts to each resident and staff member from Thembalami.

“These gifts consisted of hand cream and handmade beaded earrings for the ladies, and chocolate for the men,” said Debbie.

Thembalami resident Carol Schneider thanked RSCC for the lovely morning.

She said that it was a wonderful opportunity to get out for a bit, meet new people, and have some fun in a new environment.

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