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Better Bedfordview celebrates a milestones of keeping environment clean

To mark this milestone, Marina Constas chairperson of the organisation answered questions about the NPO.

Community clean-up NPO Better Bedfordview recently celebrated its second anniversary.

To mark this milestone, Marina Constas, chairperson of the organisation, answered some questions about the NPO.

Q: Why and how Better Bedfordview started?

A: Concerned residents founded Better Bedfordview to address community needs and challenges unmet by the municipality.

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Our goal is to create a cleaner, greener, safer and more beautiful suburb, and to build community spirit, pride and collaboration.

Q: How does Better Bedfordview benefit residents?

A: A clean, neat suburb boosts property values, is safer and enhances the overall quality of life. Studies show that well-maintained neighbourhoods have less crime.

Q: How do businesses benefit from Better Bedfordview’s work?

A: A clean, safe environment attracts customers, making businesses more successful and sustainable. It also boosts employee morale and productivity.

Better Bedfordview positively impacts local businesses, so businesses should consider contributing financially, participating in our Adopt-A-Pavement initiative or becoming partners in the Better Bedfordview loyalty programme.

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Q: By contributing to Better Bedfordview, are we making the council lazy by doing the work they should be doing?

A: No! Better Bedfordview complements the council’s services, filling gaps due to their shortcomings.

Even if the municipality improves, residents want more than basic services.

Better Bedfordview will continue enhancing the suburb as long as we have support.

Q: Residents already pay rates and taxes, so why should they pay more to Better Bedfordview?

A: Rates and taxes fund essential services, but fall short of meeting all community needs. Contributions to Better Bedfordview help address these gaps.

It is crucial to protect property values and maintain a clean and safe area. A small monthly contribution of R200 from residents can make a significant difference.

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Q: What are the contributions made by residents and businesses used for?

A: Contributions fund our clean-up team, employing 21 previously unemployed people.

We also have two supervisors managing operations and the team. Additionally, funds are used to purchase essential equipment, tools and supplies, including fuel for our bakkie.

Q: Who decides how the funds get used?

A: Better Bedfordview is an apolitical registered NPO with five directors: myself, Anjela da Silva, Nicole Kettles, Robi Massiceti and Zishaan Singh.

Our dedicated committees focus on administration, gardening and landscaping, fundraising and marketing.

All directors and committee members are volunteers who live in and love Bedfordview and are committed to improving our community for everyone’s benefit.

We welcome resident involvement and greatly appreciate donations of equipment and plants.

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Q: How are the finances managed?

A: We ensure full accountability and transparency, complying with the stringent financial obligations for NPOs.
Financial statements are available to contributors.

Q: What great work has Better Bedfordview done, and what are you currently doing?

A: We have achieved a lot and have made a huge difference by weeding, trimming, tidying, mowing pavements, painting, paving and planting.

We fixed 740 potholes.

We now maintain Oriel Park.

Roads are safer because we have painted road markings and speedbumps.

Currently, we are restoring and painting street sign poles on major routes.

Small improvements can significantly impact our area’s appearance.

We hosted a successful movie night that raised funds and united our community.

Exciting community-building events are planned.

ALSO READ: Better Bedfordview invites community to Golf Day fundraiser

Q: How did Better Bedfordview expand to Better Neighbourhoods?

A: Inspired by our success, other areas adopted the Better Neighbourhoods model.

Now, we impact Senderwood, Primrose and Fourways, with plans to expand further.

Our vision is to improve South Africa, one suburb at a time.

Q: Does Better Bedfordview have enough funds to do everything that needs to be done?

A: We are grateful for the contributions enabling us to make a difference.

However, we need more support to achieve our goals.

We appeal to residents and businesses to contribute.

The recommended monthly contribution is R200 for residents and R1 000 to R5 000 for businesses.

Q: How can residents and businesses contribute?

A: Contributions can be made by visiting our website, emailing us for a debit order, or donating to our bank account: Better Bedfordview, FNB, 63001083847.

Visit https://betterbedfordview.org.za/contribute/ for more details.

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