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Crawford International Bedfordview hosts blood drive

Donating blood is a selfless act that saves lives and engages learners in community support, fostering a sense of responsibility.

Crawford International Bedfordview recently hosted a blood drive in partnership with the South African National Blood Service (SANBS).

The event marked a significant step in the school’s community engagement, uniting learners, staff, and parents to support those in need.

A Grade 10 learner shared his experience of donating blood for the first time.

ALSO READ: Donate blood to the South African National Blood Service

Initially apprehensive about the needle, he found the process informative and surprisingly enjoyable.

“Listening to the ladies explain what happens with the blood made me less fearful and more aware of the impact,” he said.

His donation, lasting about 20 minutes, ended with a cookie and a sense of pride knowing his contribution could save three lives.

Staff members and learners at Crawford International Bedfordview donate blood to save those in need.

“I am proud to say that I have donated blood and helped those in need,” stated the learner.

Donating blood is a selfless act that saves lives and engages learners in community support, fostering a sense of responsibility.

The blood drive was a significant success, involving a record number of staff, parents, and learners, reflecting the school’s growth to include its first Grade 10 group.

ALSO READ: Locals urged to donated blood – SANBS

“The enthusiasm among donors underscored the community’s commitment to giving.

“This event highlighted the importance of blood donation and reinforced the school’s ethos of compassion and community service.

“It stands as a testament to Crawford International Bedfordview’s dedication to nurturing socially conscious individuals.

“For those inspired to make a difference, SANBS welcomes new donors and provides all necessary information for a smooth donation process,” said the school.

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