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Residents of Ron Smith Care Centre gather for fun and laughs

With laughter and cheers of encouragement filling the room fun was had by all.

A good time was had by all when residents of Ron Smith Care Centre gathered in the recreation centre for a creative morning, cappuccinos and muffins.

The Rand Aid facility hosted a draw-a-beetle dice game for residents on April 17.

Yvonne Yardley proudly holds up her chocolate while Evelyn Shilubane shows off the completed beetle.

Twelve teams made up of residents, staff and volunteers competed against each other to be the first team to complete the drawing of a beetle with all its body parts in place.

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In order to complete their drawing, players had to roll the dice and get a ‘six’ to start the game and draw the body.

They then had to keep rolling the dice and get a ‘five’ to draw the head; ‘four’ for the tail, ‘three’ for each of the six legs, ‘two’ for each feeler and ‘one’ for each eye.

Beauty Buthelezi and Carol Pieterse in the care centres recreation centre.

With laughter and cheers of encouragement filling the room fun was had by all.

Several rounds of the game were played and the winners pocketed chocolate bars.

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