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Lack of barriers puts R24 in the spotlight

"The maintenance of land and barrier fencing between R24 and Minuach Road as well as Herman Street is the responsibility of Gauteng Province Department of Transport.”

The lack of maintenance, specifically regarding guard rails and barrier fencing along the R24, has been a longstanding concern for communities along the road.

Along the R24 east and westbound, between the Edenvale and Barbara roads bridges, there are several portions where Minuach Road and Herman Street run parallel to the highway, that lack barrier fencing and in some places guard rails.

The worry only grew when Rand Water started repair work on part of its H5 pipeline in 2019.

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According to Rand Water media relations manager Justice Mohale, the project’s objective was to replace a leaking 3km portion of the 750mm H5 pipeline.

The NEWS was told, by Rand Water, the project would be completed by 2022.

However, the project was completed last year and saw the City of Ekurhuleni repair a portion of Minuach Road late last year.

Although already in disrepair, much of the barrier fencing where the Rand Water project took place was removed to allow for excavation and work to continue freely.

Ward 92 Clr Kade Guerreiro shows the informal off-ramp made by motorists to get off the R24 westbound, near the intersection of Herman Street and Koornhof Road.

But, despite being in disrepair, the barrier fencing, that originally existed, deterred would-be criminals, minimised cross-highway pedestrian crossings and gave residents and the community of Highway Gardens a sense of security.

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Almost a year ago Ward 18 Ald Heather Hart and Ward 92 Clr Kade Guerreiro raised concerns about these topics.

Hart said the problem has existed for close to 10 years but has gotten significantly worse in recent years.

Guerreiro said because of the lack of fencing, taxis and transport vehicles stop along the highway to pick up or drop off commuters, pedestrians cross the highway freely and properties have now become more vulnerable to criminals who use the highway as a quick getaway.

Reasons why there is a lack of barrier fencing include vehicle collisions, metal theft and lack of maintenance.

Guerreiro said with the completion of Rand Water’s project he was hoping to see the installation of new barrier fencing. However, this was not the case.

“Rand Water denied that there ever was any fencing,” said Guerreiro.

In a 2022 media response, to the NEWS, Rand Water stated that it would repair the fencing where its repair project was conducted and rehabilitate the site according to engineering and environmental management standards.

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Seeking assistance from the Gauteng Department of Roads and Transport, the custodians of the R24, responsible for its upkeep and maintenance, Guerreiro appealed to the department to repair the fencing.

“The provincial department refused stating that maintenance of the road reserves between the R24 and Minuach as well as Herman Street was the responsibility of CoE,” said Guerreiro

In response to this, CoE spokesperson Zweli Dlamini said, “The maintenance of land and barrier fencing between R24 and Minuach Road as well as Herman Street is the responsibility of Gauteng Province Department of Transport.”

Ward 92 Clr Kade Guerreiro holds a piece of the broken fence that lies along the ground between the R24 westbound and Herman Street. Behind him is the informal off-ramp made by motorists, near the intersection of Herman Street and Koornhof Road.

Focusing on the responsibilities of the provincial department Guerreiro highlighted that Gautrans needs to install more guard rails on the R24 westbound specifically near the Koornhof Road intersection on Herman Street.

ALSO READ: Driving becomes dangerous on the R24

Guerreiro said the lack of guardrails and barrier fencing has allowed motorists to create an informal off-ramp onto Herman Street.

“If there is a collision on the highway or motorists want to exit the highway, they will use the informal off-ramp and can potentially cause other collisions,” said Guerreiro.

A request for comment was sent to Rand Water and the Gauteng Province Department of Transport on April 16 requesting comment by April 19 at noon.

At the time of going to print no comment was received.

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