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Help needed to improve conditions at Shelton Avenue Park

“It is time to realise that although we pay for services, it is time for us to take action because if we don’t, issues such as unmaintained parks will remain community problems.”

A maze of overgrown vegetation, long grass, dead trees and a stormwater servitude emitting pungent odours are some of the many obscure attractions community members can find when visiting Shelton Avenue Park.

Located in Harmelia, the public park meant to be used by the public, has become an unmaintained eyesore.

Highlighting the appearance of the unkept park Ward 92 Clr Kade Guerreiro said it had been a year, if not longer, since the park was last maintained.

“To maintain the park, one can see the municipality does not ensure the servitude is clear of obstructions. The long grass attracts illegal dumping and provides potential criminals a place to hide.”

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He said as far as he was aware, it had been at least a year since the park was maintained and the grass cut.

According to Guerreiro, some businesses in the area and the local tennis club were cutting a small portion of the grass for safety and to control the overgrowth.

Guerreiro said as far as he was aware, three illegally dumped couches have been removed from the park.

He explained the challenge with illegal dumping is when one person starts, it creates a domino effect.

He said another challenge from the lack of maintenance and illegal dumping is the growth in rodent and tick populations at the park.

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“As a community, we want this park to be clean and maintained,” said Guerreiro.

He said for the park to be reclaimed; the community needs to unite in preserving the park.

“Unfortunately, we are becoming reliant on the community, but we are desperate for this place to be safe, clean and usable again.”

In partnership with Lisa Atkins from the NPO Essentially Edenvale, Guerreiro called on the community to unite to improve the park.

Guerreiro said although Shelton Avenue Park falls under the jurisdiction of the City of Ekurhuleni’s Germiston depots, the officials and staff try their best with the resources that they have.

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“None of the depot’s brush cutters are working, and they have non-functional vehicles. They often work with the bare minimum to get things done,” explained Guerreiro.

He said working with limited resources, the staff do not have enough time in the day to tend to each complaint as timeously as they should.

Having started several improvement projects in Edenvale and having a close working relationship with Edenvale’s depot, Atkins hopes to assist Guerreiro.

She believes by working together, the community and municipality can improve Shelton Avenue Park.

“It is time to realise that although we pay for services, it is time for us to take action because if we don’t, issues such as unmaintained parks will remain community problems.”

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To get involved in improving Shelton Avenue Park, contact Guerreiro on 071 899 8646.

A request for comment was sent to the municipality on March 14, requesting a comment by March 18 at 10:00.

At the time of going to print, no comment was received

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