Local GBV brigades are committed to supporting victims of abuse and femicide

“We must show the world that women are powerful and that they can stand up to men.”

Often seen at courthouses or raising awareness, GBV Brigade members offer their support to victims of GBV and femicide,

An initiative by the Gauteng Department of Community Safety, the brigade members work in partnership with law enforcement agencies, other departments and non-government organisations.

They are often on the frontline, with first responders, in the fight against GBV in their communities.

ALSO READ: Edenvale SAPS tackle GBV with awareness campaign

GBV Brigade co-ordinator Bheki Kubheka said each of the five corridors in Gauteng – Eastern, Southern, Western, Northern and Central – have brigades supporting victims, creating awareness and taking the fight against GBV to the public.

He said this is done specifically through door-to-door awareness campaigns and court picketing against perpetrators of GBV.

Forms of GBV and abuse highlighted by the brigade include:

• Domestic violence
• Physical abuse
• Psychological abuse
• Economic abuse
• Sexual violence or assault
• Harassment
• Emotional abuse
• Hate crimes.

“We are the Department of Community Safety’s foot soldiers fighting this scourge which affects the country,” said Kubheka.

Kubheka said because women are the primary victims of GBV, most brigades consist of women.

“We decided women need to be at the forefront in the fight against GBV, speaking to the community about it and creating awareness. We must show the world that women are powerful and can stand up to men,” said Kubheka.

ALSO READ: CoE takes stance against GBV

“Women brought us into this world, so if they do not speak up, they could die a silent death.”

Call Kubheka on 071 876 6549 for more information.

For assistance, contact:

• Women abuse helpline: 0800 150 150.

• Childline: 0800 055 555.

• SAPS Crime Stop: 08600 10111.

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