Cupcakes of Hope give support to children diagnosed with cancer

Cupcake sale adds hope to children with cancer.

With the wrap-up of International Childhood Cancer Awareness Month on September 30, the community showed up in numbers at the Neighbourhood Square to support Cupcakes of Hope (COH).

The non-profit held its annual cupcake sales across the country on the day.

It raises funds through cupcake sales for cancer-diagnosed children’s medical expenses and day-to-day needs.

ALSO READ: Local residents urged to support CHOC Foundation

More than 100 malls participated, including Greenstone Mall, Neighbourhood Square, Flamingo Shopping Centre and Stoneridge Centre.

Anthea Koen, the coordinator for Cupcakes of Hope, said the initiative was established by Sandy Cipriano.

“It started many years ago with a lady by the name of Sandy whose friend’s child had cancer and she wondered how she could help.

“The only thing she could think of was to make cupcakes and sell them to help pay for the medical bills. It has since evolved and has become a national campaign.

ALSO READ: Charity golf day raises funds for CHOC at Glendower

“During Covid-19 we were brought to our knees to help people so we have made a massive comeback from the pandemic.

“A lot of people are excited that we are back as the turnout is phenomenal,” said Koen.

To get involved you can visit their website called Cupcakes of Hope and register to make cupcakes or you can donate.

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