Local news

Letter: Local reader commends Bedfordview Fire Station

"Not only did they manage to get the fire under control, but they also managed to control the rapidly spreading fire that nearly caught the high-rise complex next door."

Editor – I would like to submit a compliment for the Bedfordview Fire Department.

These days, we hear and read about bad service or lack of service delivery.

I thought it would be nice if the Bedfordview Fire Department could get some recognition for their great work.

I reside in Bedford Gardens overlooking the Posselt Park wetlands and veld.

On Monday, (September 4) there was a smallish fire (origin unknown on how it started) in Posselt Park that escalated and got out of control.

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Unfortunately, this spread to my fence and inside my yard.

At my residence, Emmanuel from RAG Control was the first on the scene and he called the Bedfordview Fire Department.

Emmanuel was professional, polite and efficient and went out of his way to assist me until the fire department arrived.

He went out of his line of duty to help.

The firefighters soon arrived and by now, the flames rose to about 10 meters high, alighting my trees. It looked like an inferno.

I must commend Bedfordview Fire Department commander Kwena Mangala and his firefighting team, Nemudzivhdi and Ramadhia who did a sterling job, were professional and carried out due diligence in extinguishing the flames.

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Not only did they manage to get the fire under control, but they also managed to control the rapidly spreading fire that nearly caught the high-rise complex next door.

They calmed me down and reassured me that everything would be ok.

Thank you, Kwena.

You and your team, with your swift action, saved a catastrophe from happening.

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