Fatality waiting to happen in Greenstone

The problem has existed five years with at least six collisions occurring over that time.

Safety concerns were highlighted in Greenstone after several vehicles collided with an Armco guardrail located along Greenstone Place.

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In some instances, the vehicles not only collide and damage the barrier but are also carried by their momentum into the property of Regal Distributors SA.

Although no fatalities have occurred, staff believe it is only a matter of time until somebody loses their life or unintentionally kills somebody when their vehicle loses control.

Regal Distributors SA’s operational director Roy Nickrash stands by the damaged barrier along Greenstone Place.

Regal Distributors SA copywriter, Deirdre Maule, said the company originally contacted Ward 18 Clr Heather Hart but was informed that the area fell under the jurisdiction of the City of Johannesburg.

“We have contacted numerous individuals at the City of Johannesburg but had no response,” said Maule.

“The matter was also logged on the My Smart City App, Joburg Connect and Johannesburg Road Associations hotline.”

In the company’s communication with the city, it requests to repair the damaged barrier.

Maule said in the most recent communication with CoJ they requested conducting a traffic impact assessment study, as well as requests for installing traffic calming measures such as speedbumps and traffic signs.

“In the past several weeks I have heard nothing from them,” said Maule.

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She said in December last year CoJ informed the company it would inspect the damaged guardrail near the property but to date it has received no feedback from the city.

One of the vehicles which collided into Regal Distributors SA’s perimeter fence located along Greenstone Place.

According to the company’s operational director Roy Nickrash, the problem has existed for five years with at least six collisions occurring over that time.

The most recent incident occurred on October 30, just after 05:30.

Nickrash said most of the collisions occur in the early hours of the morning and the evening.

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Following the number of incidents at the corner, Nickrash believes a barrier is no longer sufficient.

He believes concrete bollards should be erected along the corner to help protect pedestrians and road users.

Although the company had repaired the barrier, out of desperation, in the past Nickrash said it no longer does due to the cost and the liability.

“We can fix the damaged barrier, we could reinforce it but the problem arises if a fatality occurs after we repair it, the company will be held liable,” said Nickrash.

Because of the constant repairs to the company’s perimeter fence and electric fence, Nickrash said it has cost the business hundreds of thousands of Rands.

“The issue is that it is a tight corner. It has caught many people unawares whom I would describe as driving normally,” said Nickrash.

“Although the speed limit for the area is 60km/h and you hit that corner too fast you’re going to battle.”

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Nickrash said the problem is that there are no warnings, such as signs or speed bumps leading up to the corner.

“The corner tends to catch up on you, as drivers tend to go in thinking they’re fine but then suddenly need to oversteer, which can lead to issues.”

To draw attention to the corner and its potential dangers Nickrash said the company plans to make and erect a high accident zone sign and place it on Regal Distributors SA’s property near the corner.

A request for comment was sent to the City of Johannesburg and the Johannesburg Roads Association on November 23, requesting comment by November 25 at 09:00.

JRA informed the NEWS that it was working to meet the deadline.

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