Security concerns raised at Edenvale Sports Grounds

“The facility needs to be safe for the children under our care no matter their age.”

In light of security concerns, frustrated representatives from sports clubs at Edenvale Sports Grounds called on the City of Ekurhuleni to improve security at the municipal facility.

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On May 7, members of Edenvale Lions Basketball Academy, Edenvale Rugby Club and Edenvale Indoor Soccer met to discuss some of their concerns and possible solutions.

Some of the refuse illegally dumped between Edenvale Sports Grounds and Consalves Road.

At the meeting members of Mamba security attended to listen to the concerns of the clubs and offer advice.

Their concerns included the deterioration of the sports ground’s perimeter walls and fencing, lack of repairs done by the city at the facility, insufficient security personnel, continued theft and vandalism occurring at the sports grounds.

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Besides calling on the municipality to improve security and repair its infrastructure at the sports grounds, the sports club representatives appealed to the city to remove a group of homeless individuals living next to the sports grounds.

The group of individuals in question live on the open piece of land between Edenvale Sports Grounds and Consalves Road.
Last year Consalves Road residents raised concerns over the activities and behaviour of those living on the open piece of land.

Co-founder of Edenvale Lions Basketball Academy Edson Makavan sliding through a broken section of the sports grounds perimeter wall, which acts as an authorised access point.

Vic Dos Santos, of Edenvale Indoor Soccer, said several years ago representatives from the municipality attended a meeting at the sports grounds and informed the clubs that the facility would be improved but since then nothing has happened.

Vice-chairperson of Edenvale Rugby Club Dick van Loggerenberg said the sports grounds need to have security personnel monitoring the facility to secure it.

“The individuals living on the open piece of land need to be removed and once that is done the perimeter wall can be repaired and security personal can keep the sports grounds safe.”

The representatives said because of the damaged perimeter wall and fencing surrounding the sports grounds anyone who knows where they are can gain access at any time.

A section of Edenvale Sports Ground’s perimeter palisade wall which has been destroyed over time allowing unauthrised access to the sports grounds

The most recent part of the perimeter wall to collapse was a section along Fifth Street, near the rugby club.

The section which collapsed in early April and was reported to the municipality is yet to be repaired.

The representatives believe by limiting access to the sports grounds, specifically through unauthorised entries, more control will be created at the sports grounds.

A photograph of some of the individuals living between Edenvale Sports Grounds and Consalves Road.

Elba co-founder Byron Pinheiro highlighted that the number of homeless individuals and vagrants walking past the clubs can create negative connotations for the sports grounds and the clubs.

“During the day and while we are here, we can see what is going on but at night I think this place turns into a different universe,” said Pinheiro.

“Until the people living next to the sports grounds are removed the problem is going to persist,” said van Loggerenberg.
Speaking about the damage inflicted on the clubs Pinheiro said many of the clubs have had to cover the cost of the vandalism and theft themselves.

“The more we delay taking immediate action the worse the damage already done will get,” said Elba’s co-founder Edson Makavan.

Representatives from Edenvale Lions Basketball Academy, Edenvale Rugby Club and Edenvale Indoor Soccer inspecting the camp of some of the individuals living between Edenvale Sports Grounds and Consalves Road

Highlighting the need for the repairs to be done and the homeless individuals to be removed, Enslin said the sports clubs’ and Edenvale Sports Grounds are meant for the youth and the community.

“The facility needs to be safe for the children under our care no matter their age.”

A request for comment was sent to the CoE on May 10 requesting comment by May 13 at 11:00.

At the time of going to print no comment was received.

Members of Edenvale Lions Basketball Academy, Edenvale Rugby Club and Edenvale Indoor Soccer stand united after discussing some of their security concerns at Edenvale Sports Grounds. The sports club representatives can be seen with members of Mamba Security. Seen here are Ernie Enslin, Tania Rabie, Dick van Loggerenberg, Edson Makavan, Byron Pinheiro, Vic Dos Santos and Ashley Scheun.
Representatives from sports clubs at Edenvale Sports Grounds called on the City of Ekurhuleni to improve security at the municipal facility. Seen here are club representatives with Mamba Security. They are Ashley Scheun, Edson Makavan, Vic Dos Santos, Tania Rabie, Ernie Enslin, Dick van Loggerenberg and Byron Pinheiro.



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