Writers 2000 presents meeting with Amanda Kai

She stressed the importance of having a professional editor or a team of beta readers.

American author Amanda Kai recently shared her techniques and writing methods with members of the Writers 2000 club in a virtual meeting.

Amanda, who fell in love with the English Georgian period depicted in Jane Austen’s novels at a young age, writes follow-on novels based on Jane Austen’s novels set in the same period.

The meeting held in early September saw Amanda detail her methods to blend in with the Georgian period.

She did this by researching the customs, technology, what food and fashions were being experienced, and the correct forms of address to the upper and lower classes in the language of the time.

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These methods enabled Amanda to provide entertaining love stories with the characters of Austen’s novels.

Amanda then went on to illustrate her techniques of putting together the novel from the planning, research, outlining and not getting side-tracked once she was in the writing rhythm.

She stressed the importance of having a professional editor or a team of beta readers if funds did not permit the employment of an editor.

Besides highlighting the need for editors or beta readers to read manuscripts and check for accuracy, Amanda gives them time for replies to keep her momentum.

Amanda said even with the best story in the world unless the cover attracts the would-be reader then the effort would be wasted.

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