Thornhill Manor donates 459 squares to 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day

“A number of our residents used their own wool and knitting needles and were assisted by our knit and knatter group."

Residents from Rand Aid’s Thornhill Manor retirement village celebrated Mandela Day by knitting and donating squares to 67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day.

The knitted squares were collected by Malcolm David Burroughs from the NPO and will be sewn together into blankets.

Once sewn together, the blankets will be distributed by the NPO.

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While Covid-19 and lockdown restrictions during the third wave made it difficult to celebrate Mandela Day, Thornhill Manor’s residents started knitting 20cm by 20cm squares several months ago.

“A number of our residents used their own wool and knitting needles and were assisted by our knit and knatter group,” said Thornhill Manor’s deputy manager Jackie Scott.

The initiative is run by resident Audrey Hepburn, who runs the knitting group.

Jackie said Thornhill Manor donated 459 squares of various colours to the NPO this year.

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