Metro to address environment at community centre

"The contractor appointed to Edenvale was sensitised about the urgency and the condition of the facility and issues relating to grass cutting, grown weeds, and bugweeds."

In response to the NEWS’ reportage on the condition of the area surrounding Edenvale Community Centre, the City of Ekurhuleni shared information about its plans to address the matter.

When the NEWS visited the area with Ward 18 Clr Heather Hart in April, grass and weeds were growing on the pavements surrounding the property.

Illegal adverts were pasted on municipal infrastructure while bug weed, an invasive species, was found growing in the courtyard of the community centre.

CoE divisional head of communication and media relations, Nhlanhla Cebekhulu, said the tender for horticulture was recently awarded so work will start soon.

“The relevant city department was busy with the administrative processes to get the tender sorted out. “The contractor appointed to Edenvale was sensitised about the urgency and the condition of the facility and issues relating to grass cutting, grown weeds, and bugweeds.”

Cebekhulu said the matter will be attended to before the end of May. Although the NEWS cannot address service delivery itself, the newsroom frequently receives service delivery complaints and works to hold those in power accountable.

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ALSO READ: Animals in need of loving homes

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