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Covid-19 – Members of HCL on shopping during the 21-day lockdown

With the 21-day lockdown starting, the Household Consumers League offer tips on shopping.

Members of the Households Consumers League (HCL) in Bedfordview sees online shopping as a possible solution during the 21-day lockdown.

Jeanette Mayhew, an HCL member, urged residents not to buy unnecessarily.

She said this could affect residents in the long run, as you could run into debt, and should not shop more than once a week.

“Residents should stick to only buying the essentials, and not stay in shopping centres too long.

“If you have the means to do online shopping, do it,” said Mayhew.

Fellow member Rosemary Dirmeik lives in a retirement village and suggests a shopping club for those in similar homes or villages.

“This would be where only one person at a time needs to go out and buys for several neighbours,” said Dirmeik.

She included she will be wearing a mask and latex gloves while out shopping.

Dirmeik is looking at considering internet purchases as well.

Another member, Sonja Bulkin, was pleased to note her shopping experience before the 21-day lockdown was still normal.

However, not for Bulkin’s domestic worker.

“She told me she could not find a single roll of toilet paper or a tin of baked beans at her local supermarket. I was pleased to help her by finding some essentials,” said Bulkin.

Bulkin believes the vast majority of the population is as financially stretched as never before.

“Many can only afford to buy as they need and is only restricted to shopping locally due to transport costs, and in any case haven’t the space for bulk-buying storage,” said Bulkin.

As per Bulkin, empty supermarket shelves is a disaster for those who do not have the means.

“It is a pity the onslaught was not anticipated, shops should have been mindful and released stock in batches so that everyone could be catered to,” said Bulkin.

She is also worried about the increase in prices of hygiene products, meaning many will not be able to afford it.

“We all need to be thoughtful of others, to keep our spirits up.

“Offer to shop for friends and neighbours who are house-bound to reduce the number of people who need to go into supermarkets.

“Those who are able to buy online need to extend this to those who do not have electronic facilities,” said Bulkin.

HCL member Jackie Sarzin does not believe in stockpiling, in any instance.

Sarzin is concerned residents spend too much money on the same products, which will not be used, when alternatively the money can be used for essentials, such as medical aid and insurance.

“I was in a shopping centre recently and I found everything I needed except noodle soup.

“It was not busy and I did not have to wait long to pay.

“The cashier sprayed her hands as well as mine with a sanitiser, and did this for each customer.

“Our hands were also sprayed with sanitiser when we entered the store.

“I felt a sense of commitment on the part of the staff and the public.

“However, the centre was limiting customers to six items, such as long-life milk, toilet paper and perhaps one or two more items,” said Sarzin.

She encourages residents to not forget to buy food for their pets as well.

“It is fantastic if you are able to do online shopping. I hope to see more residents doing this more during this time,” said Sarzin.

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