Child welfare speaks out against abandoning children

“Although the number of incidents is lower than other branches this year alone, I have already worked on five cases where children were abandoned.”

The number of babies being abandoned in Edenvale is becoming worrisome.

Child Welfare SA – Edenvale and Bedfordview expressed concern after the body of a baby was found in a Harmelia dustbin last week.

The body of the baby girl was found on July 29 wrapped in a towel and covered with plastic bags.

Senior social worker Rangarirai Mkumbira said the number of cases involving abandoned children has increased in Edenvale.

“Although the number of incidents is lower than other branches this year alone, I have already worked on five cases where children were abandoned,” said Mkumbira.

Also read: Body of abandoned baby found in Harmelia dustbin

“Since I started working in Edenvale in 2016, there has been an increase in the number of children abandoned.”

Mkumbira believes the babies abandoned in Edenvale are often mothers who reside in surrounding areas to Edenvale and Bedfordview.

Child welfare SA – Edenvale and Bedfordview senior social worker Rangarirai Mkumbira spoke to the NEWS about the welfare’s concerns about the increasing number of children being abandoned in Edenvale.

“I believe this is because Bedfordview and Edenvale residents are more affluent, often have the resources to look after a child and are better informed.”

Mkumbira said before abandoning their child in a dustbin, mothers should consider alternative options.

Alternative options include asking a family member for help, giving the child up for foster care or giving the child up to a child and youth care centre (CYCC).

She said if a family member is willing to assist, they need to register as a temporary safe care provider.

Also read: Body of newborn found in EDENVALE Avenues dustbin

“Before the family member is registered, a screening process is done to ensure they are not involved in any criminal cases or suffer from mental illnesses. We also confirm that they can provide for the child.”

If a child is placed in foster care, the mother will have two years to retrieve her child. If placed in a CYCC, a mother will only have six months.

Child welfare SA – Edenvale and Bedfordview senior social worker Rangarirai Mkumbira spoke to the NEWS about the welfare’s concerns about the increasing number of children being abandoned in Edenvale.

Mkumbira said society is often unaware of mothers’ desperation and circumstances.

She believes there is not enough education about safe sex and what having a child means.

“When people are educated they can make informed decisions.”

Mkumbira encouraged mothers who are uncertain about keeping their child to contact the welfare on 011 452 5940.

Also read: New born dumped before Easter

“Women can phone us or visit us and we will talk with them and provide them with options.”

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Mkumbira said reasons for a woman abandoning a child includes:

• Pregnancy and birth as a result of rape

• Involvement in prostitution

• Unplanned pregnancies

• Teenage pregnancy and birth

• Lack of resources to care for the child

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