Band saw needed for Rand Aid workshop

There is a desperate need for a band saw to allow the workshop to reach its full potential.

The new Rand Aid workshop needs a band saw.

A desperate need for a band saw has been identified and the elderly are calling on the community to help them acquire one.

“Many plans are in place from making wooden toys for orphanages, crafting items to be sold at Rand Aid fêtes and markets to raise funds for the retirement villages and care centres,” said George Green, a member of the steering committee elected to oversee the workshop.

The saw will help the elderly’s workshop reach its full potential.

The Rand Aid residents workshop for the elderly has been taking shape over the past weeks and it already has a variety of equipment, most of which were donated by residents.

Members not only have a chance to enjoy their own hobbies in the workshop but will also be a force for good in the community.

Training and ongoing mentorship is given to less skilled members of the workshop as well.

Community or businesses who are able to help Rand Aid in acquiring a band saw, or those who have other equipment to donate, can call Zabeth Zuhlsdorff on 011 882 2510.

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