
21 suspected property hijackers arrested in Malvern

The suspects appeared in the Jeppestown Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday where they were charged for contempt of court, trespassing and malicious damage to property.

Twenty-one people suspected of property hijacking were arrested on Tuesday last week at two hijacked properties in Malvern.

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The arrests follow a sting operation led by the city’s Group Forensic and Investigation Service (GFIS) Department, working together with the South African Police Service (SAPS) and the Johannesburg Metropolitan Police Department (JMPD).

The suspects appeared in the Jeppestown Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday where they were charged for contempt of court, trespassing and malicious damage to property.

It is alleged the suspects hijacked the properties which belong to one owner in 2013 and 2014 respectively.

The suspected hijackers have denied the owner access to his properties alleging he was a hijacker and was intimidated in the process.

The owner then obtained an eviction order last year which was executed but the suspected hijackers forcefully moved back into the property the same day.

The owner then approached the GFIS which worked together with SAPS Johannesburg East Cluster in investigating the matters.

Mayor for the city Clr Herman Mashaba said the city will not leave any stone unturned when dealing with criminal activities within its area of jurisdiction.

“We will continue to intensify the raids at these bad and hijacked properties with the assistance of SAPS and other law enforcement agencies.”

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