
Eastleigh Primary learner wins road safety competition

Imperial Road Safety, together with 947, visited the learners at Eastleigh Primary School on February 13 to hand over the prize won by one of the learners.

Imperial Road Safety, together with 947, visited the learners at Eastleigh Primary School on February 13 to hand over the prize won by one of the learners.

The Grade Six learner Zacary Seth Naidoo won R5 000 after he called into 947 to sing the road safety song created by Active Education.

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Before the prize was handed over to Zacary, learners were treated to an engaging road safety talk activation, courtesy of Imperial Road Safety and their mascot Bongie Buckle Up Buddy.

Imperial Road Safety mascot, Bongie Buckle Up Buddy.

Tebogo Makofane, Road Safety co-ordinator for Active Education kept the learners entertained while giving them tips on how to keep safe on the road.

Tebogo said Active Education partnered with Imperial Road Safety because it is important for children to know about road safety.

“We partnered with 947 and Imperial in this competition. Learners had to call into 947 and sing our road safety song and a learner from Eastleigh Primary School was the winner. Today we are here for the handover of the check and to educate the children about road safety,” said Tebogo.

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He said he has visited over 2 000 schools since he began this initiative.

“I am passionate about the safety of children on the road. A lot of people underestimate the importance of wearing a seat belt, not texting while driving, using correct crossing areas and a lot of other things. It is important for us to teach the children what is right and wrong in order for them to know when their parents or other adults are not obeying the rules of the road; that way they can correct them,” he said.

Kyle Clark of 974 with Christina Naidoo, Zacary Naidoo and Sibo Siwela of 947.

Des Webster of Imperial Road Safety powered by Motus said the company is passionate about road safety. “As a company with so many vehicles on the roads, safety is always our priority and that is why we have such initiatives. We decided to use a song in this campaign because we wanted to make it fun for the children. It is a fun way for them to learn about road safety,” said Des.

Zacary said he was excited and happy about winning the money.

When the NEWS asked him what he was going to do with the money, he said his mother’s birthday was coming up and he wants to buy her a nice present.

Tebogo Makofane with Bongie Buckle Up Buddy the mascot.

Christina Anne Naidoo, Zacary’s mother said the first thing he asked after he was told he was the winner was how much a drivers licence costs. He wants his big sister to get her drivers licence,” said Christina.

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