Toddlers Corner is a happy, friendly place for tots

“This was one of the best choices of my life. Each day, the children, the staff and the parents bring such joy to my life,"

This year Toddler’s Corner is celebrating 49 years of education in Edenvale.

Over the years the Terrace Road day-care centre has blossomed and grown.

The nursery school was established in 1968 by Grace Verner.

In 1988 Shane Titta became the new owner of the school.

“This was one of the best choices of my life. Each day the children, the staff and the parents bring such joy to my life,” said Shane.

She said staff at the school are able to watch the children progress and grow from being babies to skipping youngsters.

At the school learners receive a well-rounded education which balances fun and knowledge in order to prepare the learners for “big school”.

Shane said the success of the nursery school is attributed to the feelings of love and safety that staff at the school provide.

“Toddler’s Corner is a homely school. Most members of the Toddlers Corner team have been on board for between eight to 20 years,” said Sahane.


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