In appreciation of the continuous support given to Khanyisa Trust a certificate of appreciation was recently given to Bem Bom.
Also read: NEWS spreads the warmth in support of Khanyisa
The certificate was handed over to Alexi Katakuzinos and Charles Morte of Bem Bom by Dipuo Tekana, manager of Khanyisa.
Alexi said when he took over the Meadowdale business in June, the idea to support Khanyisa was already in place.
He said he just followed the tradition and continued to help people in need.
Also read: New Khanyisa manager ready to serve
“What we don’t sell we give away. It warms people’s hearts when they learn that we donate our extra pastries,” Alexi explained.
The restaurant donates its leftover Portuguese pastries.
Also read: Help Edenvale’s Kanyisa Trust to help others
“The goods from Bem Bom add variety to the diet of those reliant on our soup kitchen. For them it is a treat when they get something,” said Leigh Evans, secretary at Khanyisa.
Also read: Weekend recipe: Smoked mussel soup
Charles, Bem Bom franchise owner, said the decision to assist Khanyisa was made after Khanyisa asked him for assistance.
Alexi said he hopes the relationship between Khanyisa will continue to grow.
“If more people helped organisations in need the world would be a better place,” said Alexi.
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