Renew your second-hand trading licence

"If business owners fail to renew their licences and continue to trade they will be doing so illegally and will face criminal charges under the second-hand goods legislation.”

The Edenvale SAPS urges all second-hand-business owners to renew their business licences.

Captain Jean Olckers, spokesperson for the Edenvale SAPS, said in 2012 a large number of second-hand-business owners applied for new licences when the legislation changed.

“Most of the 2012 licences will be expiring in June/July and very few business owners have come to renew their licenses,” said Olckers.

He said the trading licences allow businesses to deal in second-hand goods.

“If business owners fail to renew their licences and continue to trade they will be doing so illegally and will face criminal charges under the second-hand goods legislation,” said Olckers.

He added licences must be renewed between 30 and 90 days before they expire.

For more information, contact the Edenvale SAPS second-hand goods officer, Warrant Officer Krieger, on 011 553 8618.

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