Family needs help to fix up home in Bez Valley after son accidentally sets it alight

JOHANNESBURG – A family of five pleads for donations.

The Maxton family in Max Goodman Park is pleading for donations from local communities and businesses after their house was burnt down.

The owner of the house, Desmond Maxton was at work when the Express arrived but his sister Bridget Maxton (43) spoke to the Express.

Maxton said their flat was burnt by their 10-year-old son Tyron Maxton, who was playing with matches. “He lit the fire and thought he put it out and went upstairs. When he came downstairs, the whole lounge was on fire. Tyron did not tell the older people about what he did. He ran out of the house and we only saw it later,” said Maxton who added that they called the fire brigade but it took them nearly two hours to arrive.

“By the time they arrived, we had already put the fire out. Everyone came out of their houses with buckets of water to assist,” said Maxton, who did not open a case at Jeppe Police Station

“Jeppe police refused to help while this house was burning. They told us to call the fire brigade,” said Maxton. Their furniture, IDs and other documents were burnt to ashes. “We only managed to save little cupboards,” said Maxton.

“The residents around us have been bringing clothes and blankets. I have also provided shelter for them,” said Maxton.

Maxton has four children aged 10, 14, 17 and 18 and is a single father.

The family would like the community to assist with building materials. “Any donations are welcome. We would like doors, windows and any donations of any kind,” said Maxton.

Ward 118 councillor Neuren Pietersen said he would advise people to consider house insurance, as it would save a lot. He also added that he will be making contributions to the family to assist them in rebuilding their house.

Meanwhile, Jeppe police spokesperson, Captain Richard Munyai said he is aware of the incident but he cannot comment on the allegations that the police refused to assist.

Details: Bridget Maxton 063 736 4095.

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