
Edenvale SAPS clamps down on secondhand stores

Following a compliance inspection by SAPS at second hand stores in Edenvale, three fines have since been issued.

Following a compliance inspection by the SAPS at second hand stores in Edenvale, three fines have since been issued.

The Firearms, Liquor and Second Hand Unit conducted the inspection on February 15 and visited 10 shops.

According to Captain Olckers, spokesperson for the Edenvale SAPS, the operation focused on conducting compliance inspections and searching for counterfeit goods.

Captain Olckers said Mr Louis Steenkamp, who represents anti counterfeiting of products of certain companies, accompanied the SAPS on their operation.

“Most shops were compliant but goods were seized at some shops. Three fines were issued during the operation,” said Capt Olckers.

Capt Olckers urged members of the public not to buy counterfeit goods as it supports organised crime.

He urged community members to report information about counterfeit goods being sold to the SAPS.

“We would also like to thank Mr Steenkamp for assisting us during the operation. It helps a lot if we have an expert with us while identifying which products are counterfeit.”

Besides the three fines issued by the SAPS, the Edenvale SAPS made 19 arrests in the sixth week of 2017.

The arrests were as follows:

  •  One for the contravention of an interdict.
  •  Eight drug-related arrests.
  •  One for driving under the influence of alcohol.
  •  Two for fraud.
  •  Two for intimidation.
  •  Six for the possession of suspected stolen property.
  •  Two for theft.
  •  One for shoplifting.

Captain Olckers urged the community to report suspicious behaviour of any kind.

To report crime or suspicious activity, phone 0860010111 or 10111.

Sector numbers can also be contacted and are as follows:

  •  071 675 6841 for sector one.
  •  071 675 6842 for sector two.
  •  071 675 6843 for sector three.
  •  071 675 6844 for sector four.

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