School honours top performers

The school celebrated its learners.

Academic awards at St Andrew’s School for Girls are calculated on the subject year mark achieved at the end of the 2016 academic year.

Girls must have written the November examinations to be eligible for an award.

Academic half colours are presented to a girl at St Andrew’s School for Girls who has accumulated a minimum of 18 out of 20 learning area distinctions in her Grade 9 2016 year marks.

In Grade 10, a minimum of 65 percent must be achieved for Life Orientation in order to be eligible for an award.

Where Life Orientation does not count as a subject distinction, additional subjects such as Advance Programme Mathematics and English do count. Academic half colours are presented to a girl who has achieved a minimum of four subject distinctions in her Grade 10 2016 year marks.

Academic full colours are presented to a girl who has achieved a minimum of five subject distinctions in her Grade 10 2016 year marks.

Academic half colours are presented to a girl who has achieved a minimum of four subject distinctions in her Grade 11 2016 marks, or has accumulated at least eight subject distinctions across her Grade 10 and 11 year marks.

Academic full colours are presented to a girl who has achieved a minimum of five subject distinctions in her Grade 11 2016 marks, or has accumulated at least 10 subject distinctions across her grade 10 and 11 year marks.

Honours is awarded to a girl in Grade 11 or Grade 12 at the school who has attained Full Colours in three of the four following areas – cultural,

academic, sport and first aid.

She needs to have remained active and maintained the necessary levels of excellence.

This is a significant accomplishment and requires not only extraordinary commitment and dedication; it also requires natural talent that has been nourished

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