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#YourStory – A life long passion to help

“Things aren’t going to get us down but times are getting tougher,”

Mrs Lucy Slaviero, CEO of the Little Eden Society, has always enjoyed helping others and assisting people who need help.

The Edenvale resident and past Holy Rosary High School head girl has been the chief executive officer (CEO) of the society since 1996.

Mrs Slaviero does not see her position as a job but rather as a service where she provides assistance and helps those in need.

“You get thanked in the smallest ways, sometimes it will be a smile or a arm around you.

“When the residents know they have improved themselves by doing something new it is wonderful to see them express joy. My heart bursts.

“Doing this is so rewarding. It does take from you but it gives you so much more,” said Mrs Slaviero.

She said Little Eden was a dream of her mother, Mrs Domitilla Hyams, which was put into practice.

Also read: Little Eden founders to be honored in Italy

“My father, Danny, supported my mom’s vision to do something special, they cared for each other and were always side by side,” she said.

To Mrs Slaviero helping others always came naturally.

She said growing up she and her siblings would help out at the society.

“I would always get involved. For me it was quite natural to be with people and work with them.

“We, as a family, all lent a hand and assisted when our parents asked us to. We had to do what we were asked to do,” said Mrs Slaviero.

She said helping out at the society when she and her siblings were younger was not always easy and sometimes the different smells and sounds from the residents would be difficult to deal with.

“I handled it fine but two of my siblings had a harder time,” said Mrs Slaviero.

Her passion for helping led her to get her diploma in nursing at the old Joburg General Hospital in Hillbrow.

She said she also studied midwifery.

Other than helping those in needs, Mrs Slaviero said she also has a strong passion for travelling.

This passion was discovered when she visited the Italian village where her mom was born before she did her midwifery course in Glasgow.

“I dreamed of living in Italy. I just felt as if I belonged there,” she said.

However, she completed her midwifery course in South Africa after she injured her back in Glasgow.

It was at this time she met her husband Luigi.

“My husband supports me just as my father supported my mother. It would be difficult if I had to to this on my own,” said Mrs Slaviero.

One her biggest challenges is providing funding as the society only receives a third of what it needs from government funding.

Also read: Economy forces Little Eden shop to make adjustments

“It is a huge obstacle that comes every month,” she said.

Despite this challenge Mrs Slaviero said the community of Edenvale has been supportive.

“The community keeps our children clothed with their donations of secondhand clothes,” said Mrs Slaviero.

She hopes in the year to come more community members will become more aware about the society and what it does.

She urged the community to visit the society and to provide assistance in any way possible.

“Things aren’t going to get us down but times are getting tougher,” said Mrs Slaviero.

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