Big things in the pipeline for BCPF

The BCPF is also looking into installing license plate recognition cameras on the main roads in the area.

In revealing its plans for the year ahead, the Bedfordview Community Policing Forum (BCPF) said it expects 2016 to be as challenging as the previous year.

Chairperson Mr Gavin Henry said the goals and plans set by the forum cannot be achieved without the financial support of the community that it serves.

“We once again ask the community of Bedfordview to help sponsor us on a monthly basis. You will be given a section 18a certificate to deduct the amount you contribute from your taxable income,” said Mr Henry.

He said the forum plans to implement a new telephone system, which will record all calls to the sector vehicles as well as forward any unanswered calls to the management of Bedfordview Police Station.

“We believe this will bring accountability to the system and improve the relationship between the SAPS and the community,” he said.

Mr Henry said the BCPF is also looking into installing license plate recognition cameras on the main roads in the area.

After installation, the cameras will pick up known suspicious number plates and notify the police and local security companies of their presence in the suburb.

“We also hope to raise awareness of driveway robberies and home invasions, and subsequently combat this violation of our peaceful suburb,” said Mr Henry.

He said the BCPF would like to increase the number of patrollers on its books.

“These are the men and women who care for us and give of their time to be the eyes and ears of the police,” he said.

He said the forum has a wish to acquire a dedicated response vehicle for both patrolling and medical response in the area.

“This vehicle will be on the roads of Bedfordview, in close co-operation with both the SAPS and EMPD, keeping a lookout for suspicious activity and ready to react should there be a medical emergency in our area,” said Mr Henry.

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