BCPF thanks Reddam House

Reddam House has since challenged other schools in the area to follow suit.

A donation from Reddam House has enabled the Bedfordview Community Policing Forum (BCPF) to purchase bulletproof vests for its patrollers.

The BCPF chairperson, Mr Gavin Henry, said the school donated R10 000 to the organisation.

He said he was grateful to the school.

“The BCPF is truly grateful to the school and thanks them for the generosity they have shown,” said Mr Henry.

He said following the recent shooting of a patroller in the Primrose area, the BCPF took it upon itself to improve the safety of its own patrollers, who are on the roads day and night.

Mr Henry called on the community to follow in the steps of the school.

“These guys are out on the streets on a volunteer basis and at times put their lives at risk. The community owes them some kind of protection,” said Mr Henry.

He said although the patrollers do not get involved with crime scenes, part of their responsibility is to patrol the streets as well and report suspicious looking individuals and cars that match lookout messages from the SAPS.

Reddam House has since challenged other schools in the area to follow suit.

Bedfordview residents heeded the call to help the BCPF purchase radios.

“Through these donations, we will now also be able to get radios, which will be used by the patrollers for communication,” said Mr Henry.

A Sector 2 resident donated R5 000 to the cause.

As of Friday, November 5, the BCPF had received R26 000 in donations.

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