WATCH: Lifeguard pushes boy who cannot swim into swimming pool

"The boy was visibly scared and terrified, and calling for help repeatedly. The lifeguard was laughing at that time."

A lifeguard has been blamed for not caring about life.

Bez Valley residents say the lifeguard at Hofland Park swimming pool forces children who cannot swim into the deep end and then laughs.

In a video sent to the EXPRESS, a man is seen pushing the child into the pool.

Ms Delicia Nel, a resident who took a video, described the lifeguard as uncaring and a bully.

She said on Saturday, November 14, she was monitoring her child at the pool when she saw the lifeguard shouting at a young boy.

She said she started filming the incident.

“The boy was swimming in the shallow end when this lifeguard called him out.

“He was pushing and shoving him, pointing that he should get into the pool. You could see the child was scared. After some time he pushed him into the deep end.

“The boy was visibly scared and terrified, and calling for help repeatedly. The lifeguard was laughing at that time. (Keep children safe near water)

“I could not watch the child sinking. I dropped everything and went to him. As I was rushing there my son jumped in to help him. That is when the lifeguard also helped him,” Ms Nel said.

She said when she asked the boy what the lifeguard was saying before he pushed him in, he (the lifeguard) said he was telling him he was in charge.

“The boy said when he told him that he was scared and did not want to get into the deep end, the lifeguard said, ‘I am in charge here. Every child here will do as I say.’ The boy, who is eight, said he was scared of him and that is why he did not try to get away from him,” said Ms Nell.

She said the lifeguard is doing the opposite of what is supposed to be done.

“He sits high up there, not closely monitoring the children as he should. He should be guarding children, not allowing them to swim where it is dangerous. But he comes to throw them into the deep end of the pool and laughs when they cry for help,” said Ms Nel.

An inquiry was sent to the City of Johannesburg’s (CoJ) spokesperson, Mr Nthatisi Modingoane, on Wednesday, November 18. Comment was requested by Thursday, November 19.

A second inquiry was sent on Wednesday, November 25, with a request for response by Thursday, November 26 .

At the time of going to print, no comment had been received.


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