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Stephanie bids farewell to BCPF

"There are sensitive issues that cannot be shared with the public. This is because it can sometimes hamper the investigations."

The former Bedfordview Community Police Forum (BCPF) public relations officer has assured residents that a lot is being done about their reported cases.

Ms Stephanie Davidson left the office after serving more than four years. She said she was moving to the private sector.

Ms Davidson urged residents to continue reporting crime to the police, even if they do not see any development.

“Before I joined the BCPF, there was a lot I did not know. I understand when people think the police or their security companies are not doing anything about their cases. But I can assure you, there is a lot done behind the scenes. The SAPS and security companies sometimes cannot share the developments as they happen all the time.

“There are sensitive issues that cannot be shared with the public. This is because it can sometimes hamper the investigations. But what I can say, is an immense amount of work is being done behind the scenes,” she said.

“Even if you think nothing happened about the case you reported previously, don’t give up. Continue reporting cases to the police. There are people in both the SAPS and security companies who are willing to help you. They also want to see justice done,” said Ms Davidson.

She urged residents to be a part of the community they are living in.

“Do not be naïve. Be aware of what is happening around you. Never live in a world where nothing will happen to me. Be part of the BCPF, report to the police and your security company. Join resident’s structures in your community,” she said.


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